Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Optimism goes a long way.

And in this case, it's off to Argentina.

International shoot, check. Fairly big budget, check. Great director, check. Amazing shooting board, check. Dramatic location, check. Hundreds of extras, check. 2 camera crews, check. Hyper-talented post-production team, check. Outstanding editor, check. Excited (and super supportive) clients, check. Exciting digital program, check.

I'm not one to count my chickens before they're hatched, in fact, I'm terribly anxious about every production, including this one. But that being said, I can't imagine all of the above would have fallen into place if a few months ago, we'd seen a creative brief for a power toothbrush and said "Screw it...they'll never buy anything good."

Believe that something can be good, then get to work making it happen.

Stay tuned...


  1. I think I said "Screw it, the won't buy anything good." when we got that brief.
