Monday, August 9, 2010

Polishing Turds

As the saying goes, you can't polish a turd. And while it may be true, I think there's still value in polishing anyway. Why? Here goes. Not to diminish the role of inspiration, but to some degree, I think creativity and execution are both skills. And like many skills, they get better with practice. After 20 years in the biz, no brief or timeline intimidates me that much. I know that one way or another, I'll deliver something. It's simply the result of experience and repetition. So when we come across a less-than-stellar assignment, instead of bitching, why not use it to hone a skill? Try out a type treatment. Experiment with the photography. Better integrate it with the digital stuff. If it's TV, use it as a film school lesson on lenses, lighting, camera moves, etc. Try to see it not as the turd it is, and might still be, but an opportunity to flex some creative muscle. In the end, it still might be a turd, but you've done more than just flush and your creativity will thank you for the exercise.


  1. The same can be said for people you run across in life. When you meet a turd on the street, it's an opportunity to practice patience and acceptance, no? Anyway, I heart your blog and I heart you.

  2. You know how I feel about that "T" word. But kudos to you, happy husband o'mine, for seeing things in the healthiest light possible.

  3. Love this blog and love that I get to work with you! Wish there were more creatives like you.

    This blog is a great reminder to this "usually optimistic, but sometimes not" Group Account Director!

